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SAFE YOUTH is a youth led project committed to raising awareness and designing solutions to the growing epidemic of sex trafficking of children and youth in our communities across the United States and other countries.


SAFE YOUTH offers workshops and seminars at high schools, colleges and corporations nationwide providing insight on this degrading exploitation that affects children as young as 6 years old. 


Additionally, the youth have been an invaluable agent for change partnering with law makers and and law enforcers to develop policy and innovative resolutions to eradicate sex trafficking. 


There are many SAFE YOUTH chapters throughout the United States and Brazil where students have stood their ground preventing the sales and profiteering of their peers, family members and friends. 




“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women” 
- Jawaharlal Nehru. 


Emerging Women Entrepreneurs is designed to assist women build assets so that they can stabilize their income, raise their standard of living and reorient themselves and their families.


As women participate in the economy, they become more involved socially and politically. Within their communities they play a greater role advocating for changes and policies that improve their lives and those of their family. 

Emerging Women Entrepreneurs is designed to:


  • Build on the success of the microfinance movement implementing a sustainable system of education, training, mentoring and economic freedom to increase entrepreneurial and employment opportunities for women. 

  • Raise awareness of the issue of women’s economic empowerment 

  • Implement effective programs and initiatives.

  • Engage local, regional, global participants more deeply in women’s economic empowerment programs and systems



Tudo Bem! is a unique collaboration between youth in the US and Brazil that use music as a tool to empower, educate and inspire change in communities. 


Through festivals, neighborhood concerts and CDs this powerful group of transformative artist and musicians have increased awareness of sex trafficking, domestic violence in youth relationships and educational and economical inequity. 


Additionally the group has raised funding to support centers  worldwide that provide safe spaces and unique programs for youth during evenings and weekends.  



Global Youth Leaders Ignite Change by traveling to countries to collaborate with peers on local hands-on projects that address real needs identified by local organizations and communities.  This projects supports team dynamics, cross cultural understanding, innovative and critical thinking and the willingness to be of service as an agent for change. 


As students' world view become informed by their personal experience and growth, there is a greater understanding of the important role every individuals plays in igniting lasting change. 


Through these projects we have seen youth become inspiring leaders and citizens both in their local and global community. 





Stay tune for details regarding our upcoming learning institute in Madagascar.






Stay tune for the Food Justice Movement. 

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